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After 1907
1901 Snapshot
Air Photo Study
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The formative years of the new parish coincided with the great depression of the thirties Rev. Edward Killan, OMI, first pastor of Canadian Martyrswhen many of the families experienced difficult times. However, the hard times seemed to draw the parish family closer together. Weekly card parties held in the basement of the church were well attended and the annual bazaars and teas were always successful. Two important organizations were active during this period, the Catholic Women's League and the Holy Name Society. Both have played a vital role in the spiritual and social development of the parish. .
Father Killian continued as parish priest until 1937 when he was replaced by Father William Doran O.M.I. whose family had been for years members of St. Joseph's Parish. During Father Doran's seven years as pastor, the parish grew and prospered. New Oblate Crest and Mottohousing developments in the southern part of Ottawa East resulted in a large increase in the parish family. Due to ill health, Father Doran was forced to retire from the parish in 1944. From that time until mid 1945, Father Joseph Scannell O.M.I., a gifted speaker and highly respected priest, served the parish. Father Scannell was very popular among the religious and lay communities alike, resulting in his services being sought for the conducting of missions and retreats.
Father Scannell's assistant during this time was a young Irish priest, Father Cornelius Rev. Cornelius Herlihy, OMI,  parish priest from  1945 to 1959Herlihy O.M.I. who had come to Canada a few years earlier, and had been teaching novices at Holy Rosary Scholasticate, Orleans, ant. In 1945 Father Herlihy became pastor and continued in that capacity until 1959. His charming personality soon endeared him to all of his parishioners. But he was soon faced with a new challenge.
Sketch of new Canadian Martyrs Church
By 1950 it had become apparent that the little church at the corner of Main and Lees could no longer accommodate the growing congregation. Standing room had become the lot of any latecomers at Sunday mass. On special occasions, such as midnight mass at Christmas, a second service would have to be held in the basement of the church. A move to a larger church became an urgent priority, and a parcel ofland adjoining St. Patrick's Sod breaking at the neew Canadian MartyrsCollege was obtained from the Oblate Order. This would be used as the site for a new and larger church. On November 17, 1952, the first sod was turned. The cornerstone was laid on May 18, 1953, and was blessed by Bishop Lajeunesse O.M.I., Vicar Apostolic of Keewatin. Later that year, the first mass in the new church was celebrated at midnight on Christmas Eve, and a few weeks later, the 24th anniversary of the founding of the parish, the new church was blessed by Archbishop Lemieux, O.P.
Main window over the altarThe stained-glass window over the main altar was donated by the Doran family, and was designed and made by Theo Lubbers, a Dutch artist living in Montreal. He also designed the side windows depicting the Way of the Cross: The large stained-glass window over the altar symbolizes a wealth of Canadian religious history. It shows the missionary martyrs grouped about Mary, Queen of the World, who is holding her Divine Son. St. John de Brebeuf holds a sacred book on which is inscribed the Jesuit motto "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"(To the greater glory of God), while below the Oblate Cross is the Canadian motto "A Mari Usque Ad Mare" (From Sea to Sea). Canadian Martyrs was Father Herlihy's first parish and he was the key priest in the development of the parish in its young, vibrant years.
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