Project Information |
History |
Mainstreeter |
Churches |
Scholasticate |
Schools |
Railways |
Notables |
After 1907 |
1901 Snapshot |
Air Photo Study |
Image Library |
Databases |
Search |
The Databases
Over the course of the project several databases have been created to assist in understanding the people of Ottawa East. As well it is hoped that the data will assist future genealogists in the search for their heritage. And for all those who predict a future of technical incompatibilities, remember that techion particles have yet to be harnessed! Just skip through the pages as each offers an interesting and never-seen-before view of the people who started the community. Put yourself in the place of the people you read about here. Imagine yourself as Wilhelm Rhomhild, a 22 year-old German immigrant, getting of the boat in 1889. Little English and less money but smart and built like a brick privy. What do you do? He, and hundreds of other stories can be explored with a little inductive thinking and some columns of data. |
(for a brief explanation of each - see
below list)
Nepean Assessment Roll for Ottawa East Area: 1860 to 1866 |
Archville Municipal Directories: 1877 to 1881 |
1901 Municipal Directory and Census Combined |
Nepean Assessment Roll for Ottawa East Area: 1888 |
1901 Census of Ottawa East |
Ottawa East Street Index of Existing Streets |
Ottawa East Street Index of Changed or Deleted Streets |
Village Accounts for 1899 |
Village Accounts for 1906 |
Ottawa East Public School Board Accounts for 1889, 1890 and 1891 |
Ottawa East Roman Catholic School Board Accounts for 1901 |
Data from these rolls was compiled into a single, composite collection. There are no details for family members as was usual for these times. Included are occupation, land ownership and militia requirements. |
Archville Municipal Directories: 1877 to 1881 |
The first year for municipal listing of Archville (and some Spenceville) was 1877. This is the most detailed listing for the village at that time. Of particular interest are the street addresses for individuals, occupation and length of stay in the village. |
1901 Municipal Directory and Census Combined |
The 1901 Municipal Directory and the Census have been combined and sorted by street. This gives a detailed listing by street of occupants, ethnicity and occupation. |
Nepean Assessment Roll for Ottawa East Area: 1888 |
Much more detailed than the 1860-65 Roll listed above, this is an abridged version of key data. This is the most accurate depiction of the village in the year it was created. Occupation, land ownership and religion are of importance here. |
1901 Census of Ottawa East |
An abridged version of the community as seen by the federal government containing over 30 pages of information corresponding to the structure and pagination of the original. More information can be found on line. |
To assist those searching for roots, a table shown here comprising all of the Germans immigrants listed in the 1881, 1891 and 1901 censuses has been created. There were a number of German families who were actively involved in the Village of Ottawa East during its existence. Some of these include the following: Winges | Pranschkes | Noffkes | Messerschmidts | Ullrichs | Lemkes | Romhilds among many others of equal importance. A brief genealogy of these families can be found at the following links: |
Ottawa East Street Index |
Where possible, the origin of the name has been provided for existing and closed streets. Regrettably toponymical information needed to substantiate these origins is sparse as explained on the Street Index Page. The first table describes the history of existing streets and the second documents streets that have been closed, deleted as per bylaws or mentioned on Registered Plans of Subdivision. |
Village Accounts for 1899 and 1906: |
Using the microfilm record of the actual hand-written records for the Village of Ottawa East, the detail of the actual records has been reproduced. These accounts list the people, items and cost for the entire years of 1899 and 1906. |
Ottawa East Public School Board Accounts for 1889, 1890 and 1891: |
Extracted from the original records, these accounts detail the sparse budget of the school. |
Ottawa East Roman Catholic School Board Accounts for 1901 |
Extracted from the original records, this is the first account of the school board that was established in this year. |
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