In the sidebar of the minutes, it was noted that "Mr. Lees
and other members of this deputation addressed the Council".

After hearing the deputation from Archville, the Council considered
Motion #7 "that R.G. Foster of the Township of Nepean be appointed
to take the census of the Village of Archville and that he return
the same to this Council by 2 O'clock on Friday next - carrried".
This was done as the opposition claimed that there was not the required
number of residents to attain the designation as a village. |

On Friday, December 7, 1888 Council met at 10 AM. Motion #21 read
"that a By Law be introduced for the purpose of incorporating
a village to be known as the Village of Ottawa East which is at present
a part of the Township of Nepean and that said By Law be now read
a first time - Carried". "By Law read a first time". |

Seizing the moment, the supporters of annexation moved to have the
bylaw referred to a solicitor for a legal opinion. The hope was to
delay implementation of the bylaw until after the provincial legislation,
granting the City of Ottawa's annexation desires, to come into force
on January 1st, 1889. Motion #23 read "that the By Law just
read respecting the incorporation of the Village of Archville in the
Township of Nepean to be known as the Village of Ottawa East be referred
to the Solicitor of this Corporation for his opinion thereon".
The motion was "Lost" by a count of 10 yeas to 9 nays. |

At the afternoon sitting of the Council, Motion
#27 was put forward to finalize the creation of Ottawa East. The
detail was "that the Bylaw in reference to incorporation
of the Village known as Ottawa East be read the second and third
time and passed - Carried". "By Law read a second
and third time and passed".

That was it! Lees and the boys had side-stepped the city juggernaut.
The independent entity of the Village of Ottawa East now existed. |