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A look back at Ottawa East Athletes
by Patsy Guzzo - Mainstreeter - September 1986
Parts One and Two

In the early 30ls Roseda1e Juniors Baseball Team brought honour to Ottawa East by winning championships. The players on the team included: Sam McLean; Wib Landymore, Jim Reaume, Eddie Coutter, Tony Friel, Wi11y Ferone, Babe Noffke, Amby Kiefl, Leo Patenaude, Lefty Dale, Pete Devine, Ki1by MacDona1d, Eddie Bar-nabe, Fred Thompson, Rene Barbeau and yours truly. Mr. Bill McLean was the manager and Mike Gadbois the coach.

Baseball was well represented by Ra1ph St. Germaine, who also played for the Rough Riders and Olympic Hockey; LenGrosvenor, a pitcher, also played NHL hockey with Ottawa; Harry Grave11e, Dick Noffke, Chuck Paul, also a CFL Football referee, Art Jewkes, Johnny Cook, Len and George Reaume, Pay and Buck John-son, Frankie Graham, Bert Lesage, Rene Lec1erc, Sam Macli, Sam Dinardo, Glen See1y (who pitched pro ba11)

Football also had its heroes in Tommy Shields' boarders, Russ Jackson, Bobby Simpson, Sam Scoccia, Kaye Vaughan and Boris Kotoff who all played with Ottawa Rough Riders. Sherriff Bruce Hamilton, a footballer of note along with brother Gordie, formed the Ottawa-Nepean Sports Club which has done so much for sports in the area. A brother, Garry, played hockey and sister "Deedy" was a hockey goalkeeper; Tony Galab, all-star with Ottawa Rough Riders lived on Main Street.

Arnie Morrison was an all--star quarterback with Ottawa Rough Riders. Bob McCarthy starred in the 'CFL. Hockey produced such stars as Frankie Graham, Emile Dagenais, the Maguire boys,
Knobby Clark, John Denofrio, Dick Winters and Herb Reaume.

Arnie Butterworth was a star in junior hockey and an out-standing curler. The Kilrea family was noted in all forms of athletics. Brian guided the 67's to the Memorial Championship and was assistant coach of the New York Islanders. Rick Vaive, of the Toronto Maple Leafs, learned his early hockey in the back of his home on Hawthorne Avenue. Claude McKenny's son Jim played
with Toronto Maple Leafs.

Ed Mahoney, father of "ol" hazel eyes, Dick, won the Amateur Heavyweight Boxing Championship of Canada in 1931. Ronnie Lacelle gained international prominence. Ty Walker of the Walker's Bread family fought many stirring welterwe-ight bouts with Frank Guzzo of the Preston Street Italian Village. These fights were classics and still remembered by older fight fans.

Let's not forget Gary "Stump" Craig who has kept the frost Bowl going all these years. In the late 40's, Sam Dibart-olo donated his trophy and entertained the teams after each game.

Gerry Boucher was an all-round athlete who also played with Rosedales. Brother Ray was associ ated with professional football for many years and was a CJOH sportscaster. Father, Carroll, was an outstanding baseball ump-ire.

Don Loney, Rough Riders star and Des Bloom gave much of their time as referees and in later
years local referees pro-vided the officiating in the longest Football Frost Bowl in the world. Len
Pinke was the goalkeeper ,on the 1942 Allan Cup Winning team and had sons, John and Dale, engaged in many sports. "Maynie Peter-kin was an outstanding goal keeping with the Ottawa Senators. The three Grattons, Alf, Clare and Claude were all versatile athletes.

Part Two - Mainstreeter - November 1986

The history of Ottawa East sports would not be complete without including Carl "Soggy" Norton. "Soggy" played football with Ottawa' Rough Riders and Tony Golab, an all-star with the Riders, claimed that no one ever tackled him as hard as "Soggy". Judge Ed Houston, a long-time friend, des-cribed ,"Soggy" as a truly remarkable strong person but with a tender heart and more than just a passing, interest in his fellow man. "Soggy" ended his career in Ottawa as an industrious
and most efficient detective on the Ottawa Police Force'.

Other Ottawa-Easters:John and Billy Aldrich and bro-thers were noted for their sports activities. Howie Turner was an all-star with the Ottawa Rough Riders; Carroll Bloom and his son Mike played professional hockey. Gil Armstrong part-icipated in many Ontario and Canadian bowling champ-ionships; Mike Blum played with the Ottawa Rough Riders and the Toronto Argos.

Front row, 1 - r: Frank Williams; Billy Aldrich; Bob Leclair; Donnie Little; Frank O'Brien; Lou Seguin. Back row, 1 - r: Ray McAllister; Ron Allaire; Mr. H. McCauley, Teacher and Coach; Bunny Thompson; L. McBride.

Jim Chambers and Harry Bourassa joined the Rideau Canoe Club in 1933. Bill Chambers played football; Charlie Stanyar was a pit-cher of note in softball and won a class "B" Golf Championship at Rivermead some years ago. Brian Lynch played football with Ottawa Rough Riders, He coached junior hockey and is now an NHL scout. Pat "Junior" Presley was an all-round athlete and
played professional hockey. Bob Romhild was a lacrosse star at the turn of the century. Bobby Mallon played senior hockey in the Quebec league. Ray Haggar-ty won the Seniors' Golf Championship at Pineview Golf Club; Tommy Smirle was a better than average soft-ball player. Johnny Denofrio, the Parkinq Lot Guru. played professional baseball and top senior hockey. His fine brothers, George, Joe, Frank, Sam and Jim contributed to Ottawa East sports while sister Lena was an outstanding softball shortstop.

Marc Brule played with the Ottawa Sooners, then with the Winnipeg Blue Bombersand the Montreal Alouettes. Recently I played golf with a Brian Blair from Shawinigan who said that our Otta-wa East neighbour and for-mer Liberal Cabinet Minister Jean Chretien participated in various sports in his native city.

Correction from a previous publication:
In the 1948 Olympic Hockey Games in St. Moritz, Czecho-slovakia were silver medallists with Switzerland taking the bronze.

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