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The Second World War started in September 1939 and lasted until August 1945. Adrian Bender wrote in the 1944 commemorative booklet for the 25th anniversary of the laying of Ascension's cornerstone that, "about one hundred young men and women from Ascension are either in training or overseas. Some are prisoners of war, some have laid down their lives in the cause of humanity."

Mr. Bender seems to have been a kind man and a hard working one. He was also keen on the war effort. He had been a soldier in the First World War and, almost from the start of this war, served as a military chaplain in Ottawa. At Ascension, he oversaw the Christmas boxes and the regular parcels of candy, food, paper and cigarettes that went to the service men and women in Europe and the Far East. An appeal from the Red Cross had the girls and women of the church knitting and sewing again for those in the armed forces and for people in "distressed areas" in Europe and Asia. In the 1944 booklet, Mr. Bender referred to this work when he wrote, "The Church of the Ascension, like most churches, owes more than is generally realized to the loyal and untiring efforts of its women members." The church family prayed for peace and, once again, sang fervently, Eternal Father Strong to Save and Oh God Our Help in Ages Past.

In the meanwhile, the every-day life of the church went on. Mr. Bender left to become the priest at Trinity in Ottawa South, and Arthur Caulfield came to Ascension.
September 27, 1944 marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the laying of Ascension's cornerstone. To celebrate, on the day of the anniversary, there was a service of commemoration; Charles Winter (now Brigadier General Winter) wrote a brief history for the memorial booklet; and the parish established a "Jubilee Fund" to raise $52,500 to retire the mortgage. (General Winter died in 1946. He had been, according to Bishop Jefferson "a tower of strength" throughout his many years first at Holy Trinity, and then at Ascension as Sunday-school superintendent and rector's warden. He was remembered with great affection by everyone in the parish.)

Peace was declared in Europe on May 8, 1945. There was a special service of thanksgiving at Ascension that day, and the church was open all day for those "wishing to offer private devotions" over the souls of the seven servicemen killed in the war or of thanksgiving for those who would soon be coming home. The Emerson family gave the church the silver ciborium in memory of their son Harry. One Sunday, soon afterwards, Mr. George Bebbe put a fifty-dollar war bond on the collection plate with a note that read, "to the glory of God and in thankfulness of peace."

The war ended in the Far East in August. That fall, there was a joyful reception for the returning veterans, and, not long afterwards, a tea for their war brides. In October, there was a day of national thanksgiving. At Ascension, people were talking about a memorial to the war dead, a plaque with their names and an honour roll with the names of all who had taken up military service.

Foreign missionary work had been, more or less, suspended during the war and now, while the work was gradually being resumed, at the same time, a lot of that missionary energy was going towards getting food and clothing to the orphaned and the destitute in Europe, to the refugees pouring into Canada and to local people in desperate need.

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