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After 1907
1901 Snapshot
Air Photo Study
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4. FRENCH BAPTIST CHURCH - Some mission work was done in 189O, but the, on King Edward had its commencement in 1901 when Rev. G.R. MacFaul re-opened the work. The church was organized in 1904 with twenty-four members and the building was dedicated the same year. The present church building was erected in 192O.

5. HULL FRENCH BAPTIST CHURCH - Mission work commenced in 1905 and was organized as a church on May 25, 19].6. The building was renovated as a church and opened in 1920.

The OTTAWA BAPTIST CHURCH BOARD, consisting of the five aforementioned churches, assisted in Sunday School and Mission preaching work and helped to organize and raise funds for the erection of buildings for many Ottawa Baptist Churches, including our own Calvary Baptist Church, Highland Park, Parkdale and Eastview Baptist Churches. While these works were missions, the Board engaged and paid the pastors but as they organized as churches they took over the conduct of their own work in each case. Building funds for each of the four above churches were raised by the Ottawa Baptist Churches Board by soliciting donations from the Baptist constituency of Ottawa and by contributions from the churches as well.

The Board was organized in 1907 and tribute is paid to those early members, now deceased for many years, whose vision, dedication, energy and perseverance, working on behalf of the churches which they represented, have achieved truly remarkable results. Among those no longer with us, the following must be mentioned - Alfred Ardley, Louis Blais, O.H. Cog swell, .J.A. Fraser, E.C. Hayes, J.E. Lewitt, J.A. (Fred) McDonald, John Meldrum, Haldane Millar, J.V. Poaps, J.H. Pushman, W.R. Stroud; and C.E. Vail, and others that do not come to mind.


The early beginnings of a Baptist work in Ottawa East was in 1903 when work began in a tent on a lot at the corner of Main and Hawthorne, later called Ballantyne Park. In September of the same year a community mission was begun across the street in the Town Hall on the Northeast corner of Main and Hawthorne. Out of this effort the Ottawa East Baptist Mission was formed. Mr. W.E. Beaton, was closely connected with the founding of both Missions as was Mr. F.C. Blair and Mr. John Meldrum.