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Early in 1908 the Ottawa Baptist Churches Board purchased the present
lot, on the corner of Main and Evelyn and built the present building to
house the new Mission. The work was carried on with local supply-preachers
and student-pastors during the summer months. During this time the Sunday
School flourished under local leadership. A house which was on the lot when purchased, was moved to where the Blair Memorial Hall now stands and was used as a parsonage until a new parsonage was built across the street on the Northeast corner of Main and Evelyn in 1944-45. Rev. John Dempster was the first pastor to occupy this new home. In 1975 this building was sold to private interests for $41,OOO. About 1911, Rev. A.N. Frith became the first regular mission pastor, serving both this mission and the one in Eastview under the Baptist Extension Board.
The Mission was organized into Calvary Baptist Church, April 22, 1915, free from debt, when Rev. G.H. Harber became the pastor. There were 63 charter members of whom Mrs. A.P. Abolit, Mrs. J. Roberts and Mr. John Fraser, are still members of the Church. The following Committee, Messrs. G.H. Harber, John Meldrum and F.C. Blair, drew up a Constitution which was adopted at that meeting. Rev. G.H. Harber - was the brother of Mrs. William Black, a faithful worker for many years. Mr. & Mrs. Black had been missionaries in Africa but had returned to Canada because of Mr. Black's health. Mrs. Black's involvement in the Sunday School will be remembered by many. Only eternity will reveal the impact she had on the lives of the boys and girls in the Primary Department. It is recalled how each child received a pair of hand knitted mitts for Christmas along with an orange and a bag of candy! Among the weddings performed by Pastor Harber was the marriage of Susie Bell to William Cavey. Mr. Bell was the church organist for many years. Those who had the privilege of sitting under the ministry of this godly man, have many cherished memories of those early days.