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After 1907
1901 Snapshot
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The first parish priest of Holy Family parish, Father Charles Charlebois, known affectionately as Father Charles, remained with the parish until 1913. He was successful in welding the English and French-speaking components of the parish into a happy and Trinity Anglican Church - c1895congenial parish family. Although the Anglican Church of the Ascension had been established in Ottawa East some twenty years earlier, the new Holy Family parish contributed greatly to the community at large and was accepted by all, regardless of religious beliefs.
Slattery house lost to fire in 1993One of the more prominent families in the new parish was that of Bernard Slattery, a successful merchant and a large land-holder in the southern part of Ottawa East. Many of the present members of the parish live in homes located on Slattery sheep near Clegg that was at one time part of the Slattery farm. Mr. Slattery was very active in the formation of the parish and his benevolence was demonstrated by his many gifts to the new church. The old Slattery home is still located within the parish boundaries at the junction of Main Street and Riverdale Avenue. (Editor's note: The house burned down in 1993)
Some other family names in the register of the early parish were: O'Gara, Lacelle, Maher, Gingras, Dagenais, Conlon, Patenaude, Doran, Bourassa, Becker, Potvin, Tighe, Bruyere, Kavanagh, Gervais, Irish, Mainville, Redmond, Chambers, Landry, O'Brien, Sabourin, Fagan, Gravelle, Manion, Landriault and Bowes.
In 1930, following the formation of the English Oblate Province, it was decided to divide Ste.Famille Church - c1900the Catholic community of Ottawa East into two distinct parishes. The French-speaking parishioners were to remain in the old Holy Family Church and the English-speaking members were to form the new parish, using as a temporary place of worship the chapel of the new St. Patrick's College. On January 10, 1930, approval was granted to establish the new parish; it was named Canadian Martyrs after the Holy Canadian Martyrs who were canonized that same year on June 29, 1930.
From that time, English-speaking Catholics of Ottawa East had an identity of their own, Original sketch of St. Pat's Collegeand an era of steady development began. Father Killian, O.M.I., the new pastor, was welcomed by his parishioners and by the non-Catholics of the community and soon became a friend of all. Born in Pittsburg, U.S.A., he had served for many years with the Oblates in Canada and had played an important role in the founding of St. Patrick's College.
Property for the new Canadian Martyrs Church was obtained at the corner of Main Street and Lees Avenue, and construction was begun immediately. The first services in the new church were held in the Spring of 1931.
Original Canadian Martyrs Church - c.1930
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