Overview of the Year:
Comparing this year to subsequent years of Village activity, as seen
through the detail of the Council minutes, there were no major events.
Highlights included: an ongoing debate with the Canal and Railway Commission
which controlled some of the village land along the canal; cleaning up
past accounts; a major push to collect dog taxes; rumblings from the southern
part of the village concerning electoral boundaries; and attempts to retrieve
missing records.
The entire council came from the northern part of the village. It is
not possible to compare previous councils given that the records for the
period from 1888 to 1897 have been lost (See
Missing Records). It appears that much of the "old guard",
people such as the Ballantynes, had left council and it was now run by
a popular Reeve Henry Roche. The vast majority of council activities involved
the minutiae of operating a small community within the restrictions imposed
by provincial legislation on an incorporated Village.
No item was too small. From authorizing the purchase of stamps to investigating
petitions for drains, each council meeting resembled the activities of
a community association with a budget. Even though the village had been
in existence for 10 years, amenities such as electric lighting for streets
(although the
Town Hall had electricity by that time), a village water system, fire
protection or sewage drains. Sidewalks were made from thick cedar planks
and only a few roads were "macadamized". Petitions from residents
for items such as drains were received on a regular basis and mulled over
by council with most given some support. With no roads department, ad
hoc committees of council members supervised all the actual work. It appears
that there were two previous debentures authorized by previous councils
as the year mill rate included provision for repayment.
The total amount expended through Council meetings was $815.36 for the
year. It should be noted that the payments to the Bank of Ottawa for the
earlier debentures did not go through the council as the treasurer automatically
paid these each month. From the detail of the accounts shown below it
is apparent that not even the smallest item was overlooked ($0.68 for
nails!). The bulk of expenditures was for materials and labour for sidewalks,
drains and roads followed by expenses for administration duties ranging
from tax collection to printing.
One important change was a bylaw appointing a constable for the village.
The main activities of the post involved: the collection of dog taxes
(for which the constable received 10% of the taxes collected); the impounding
of cattle and horses running at large (as per Bylaw #7) for which he received
half of the fine; and other duties such as removing dead dogs, posting
notices and sanitary and yard inspections. Remuneration was to be based
on a "reasonable" rate for "every hour he is actually employed".
Charles Rhomheld, a painter living on Bronson St. (now Glenora) was appointed
to the position.
Rhomheld must have been a formidable enforcer. In subsequent years he
made a living breaking tons of stone for the roads by hand an activity
that does wonders for upper body development. He also must have made use
of cells in the basement of the Town Hall. This writer remembers seeing
two cells in the basement during the 1950s complete with
old locks and barred doors just like in the movies! Sadly these
doors and locks were scrapped when the building was renovated.
The details of the council activities listed below have been extracted
from the microfilm copy of the actual records held at the Ottawa City
Archives. Given that the original records were written using pen and ink
by a clerk who did not excel at penmanship, some of the detail is not
decipherable. Therefore, regarding items such as names and addresses,
other sources such as the municipal directories and the census have been
consulted for clarification. Items that cannot be deciphered include dashes
( - ) and/or question marks (?). And the brief 10 year history of the
Council remaining is replete with many incidents of various people failing
to turn in records after their job was finished.
Council Activities:
(CAR = Can. Atlantic Railway, CPR = Can. Pacific Railway, DRC = Dept.
of Railways and Canals)
i Communications:
Letters Sent:
- CAR and Ottawa Arnprior Parry Sound Railway Re: fencing Cedar
St. and crossing at Main St.
- Superintendent of DRC nuisance on Canal Rd.
- - fencing on Cedar St. at Canal Rd.
- D. Charron request prices of cedar planks rate per 1000
3 ft. long 3 in. thick
- ? poles on Cedar St.
- Mr. Cluff? corner of Main and 2nd St. fence
dangerous property
- County Council placing gutters on Main St.
- Charles Robinson
- A. W. Fleck? re: assessment and Ballantyne resignation
- CAR and CPR asked to open William St. across the tracks letter
sent to solicitor of CAR
- Clerk write to County Council request repair of Main St. from
William to Victoria and at
- corner of Centre impassable in spring
Letters Received:
- James Su---? meetings at town hall to continue on Sunday night
- A.W. Fleck? regarding assessment and resignation of T. Ballantyne
- Robinson drain on Cedar St.
- William Potter porter 16 Gordon St. surface water
- C. Blanchet? draining Drummond St.
- Dougal and Lyons re: sidewalks on Parry St. and 2nd
- County request for 1900 is $266.09
- School Board " " " $1,200.00
- T. Ballantyne et al change name of Canal Rd. next meeting
- A.G. Greenfield et al sidewalk request for Parry St.
- Trowbridge, Reeve and Biggars to oversee the work
- Main St. residents for sidewalk
- A. Greenfield for relief of nuisance at coal shed and round house
to ask City for action
- Charles Winges millwright 141 Main St. et al
sidewalk for Main St. referred to Barrett
- T. Ballantyne et al change name of Canal Rd. to East Ave.
- S. Lalonde carpenter s s Herridge sidewalk on
- William Davies florist 44 Main St. request of
William St. drain
- W. T. Beaudry? et al divide village into two districts
tabled for 6 months
ii Local Improvements:
Tenders (T)/Applications (A):
Tenders |
Applications |
T - Snow removal by Jan 23 for Cedar from
bridge to Main; west side of Main from Cedar to Clegg; Gordon from
Main to Canal. |
Tenders to come |
T - Rubble stone 15 tons: |
Wright and Hule? - $4.50/ton
L. Sabourin?? $4.15/ton |
T - Cedar posts (250) 16 cents/post 9
ft. delivered to Town Hall |
D. Charron accepted |
T - for breaking stone:
* = accepted at $2.20/ton) |
Gustave Leuker?;2.25 *
Albert Tubbe Mason/ ft Bronson St;3.00
Herman Noffka Labourer/123 Drummond St; 2.25 * Henry
Mentzel Labourer/33 2nd St.; 2.50
Pierre? Landry Brickman/ n s William ;2.25 *
H. Kuogs? ;2.25 *
Alfred Lacelle Labourer/123 Bronson ;2.40 |
A - for treasurer: |
C. R. Robertson civil servant 77th Ave.
- $60/year
Niles G. Ross teacher 58 Main St. no salary
Andrew G. Acres ice dealer 107th St. - $25/year
accepted |
A for tax collector: |
A. Ardu
Richard Teeling carpenter 151 McGillvray St. William
A. Cole - accepted |
iii Policies, Motions and Bylaws and Appointments:
- Charles Guiges appointed to Board of Health for 1899
- William Doran - three years 99/00/01 -warehouseman, 27 Bronson
- A.G. Greenfield bookkeeper west side of Parry St.
auditor for 1899
- Arthur St. Laurent - auditor for 1899 appt by Reeve
- Robert Robinson Assessor and Collector for 1899 @ $40 for year
- County Carleton 5 tons of broken stone in 1987 be paid
- R. Biggars and G.T. Barrett authorized to buy stone
- Bylaw #54 carried
- Bylaw for Assessor for 1899 Robert Robertson accepted - $40/yr
- Purchase forms of slips for bitches and dogs
- Trowbridge and Biggars to call on Mr. Bower and request all papers
and collection rolls be turned over Mr. Maher application for
collector and assessor be referred
- Purchase one cord of hardwood
- Municipal World subscription be paid
- Provincial Govt re: equalization of taxes in Ontario
municipalities The motion indicates that Council felt that province
was being unfair to small municipalities in the taxing of gas and telephone
- D. Charron be paid $40.32
- J.C. Bower be paid $40 for collection of 1895 taxes
- T. Ballantyne resignation as treasurer be asked to reconsider
- Barrett and Bompas to form sidewalk committee
- Purchase financial bond for $2,000
- Ex-treasurer Ballantyne be directed to turn over all books, papers
and vouchers
- Sidewalk at Cluff? Property on Main St. be addressed
- Clerk to draw up bylaw to change name of Canal Rd. to East Ave.
- Cedar St. to get drain and widen sidewalk
- R. Robinson balance of account when books are found
- Repair East Ave. between Cedar and Railway
- Clerk authorized to audit books from Jan 1 to May 1/99
- Center St. at 3rd to be repaired
- Dog taxes to be paid before June 1 constable to collect and
get 10%
- Constable be provided with notices to prevent people from riding bicycles
on sidewalks
- Reeve to contact railways about excessive whistling and shunting on
- Request legal advice on opening William St. across tracks
- Brass band to use lower hall on Thursday night for .35 cents
- Collector rolls for 97 and 98 be returned by August
- Chamberlain of CAR to be worked on to reduce fence size on Cedar St.
to five feet
- Cedar St. widen by expropriation or purchase of lots 27 and
- Constable authorized to prosecute all delinquent dog taxes
- Clerk to negotiate with Mr. Rainboth? For lots 27 and 12 on Cedar
- Bylaw #66 appoints W. A. Cole as tax collector salary
$40/yr. security of $500
- to be completed by Dec. 15
- William Ogilvie drain on 2nd St. approved
- J.C. Bowers account for collecting 1897 taxes approved
- Public School to use hall on Dec. 8
- Treasurers report accepted and thanked for his work
Bylaw #65 Mill Rates for 1899:
County |
.0013 |
Village |
.0059 |
School |
.0056 |
Debentures |
.0013 |
iv Accounts:
Ottawa East Village - Accounts
for 1899
Jan. 16
Payules & Abbot?
$ 7.00
Clark A.
crossing on 7th St., install
$ 1.00
$ 7.55
$ 7.00
Holdone? & Co.
printing election material
$ 6.00
Fisher, Dougal
e s McGillvray
snow cleaning Main St.
$ 2.60
Journal, Ottawa
voters list
$ 2.25
3 months salary to Dec. 31
$ 16.25
Birth, Deaths, Marriage Reg.
$ 4.80
Municipal World
6 months subscription
$ 5.00
Jan. 23
Ottawa Electric Co.
town hall account
$ 3.70
Holdone? & Co.
300 tax notices printed
$ 2.25
Feb. 7
A.G. Greenfield
w s Parry St.
$ 3.00
A. St. Laurent
$ 3.00
Payules & Abbot?
print audit statement
$ 5.00
Feb. 21
Rondeau?, H
snow plow
$ 6.50
Charron, D.
$ 40.32
Bower, J.
208 East Ave.
tax collection for 1895
$ 40.00
Ottawa Free Press
200 dog slips printed
$ 1.00
Can.Atlantic Railway
4 old car ---? @ .50 each
$ 2.00
Ballantyne, J.T.
n s East Ave.
one cord of sawn hardwood
$ 4.75
Edwards, Edwin
5th Ave.
breaking roads
$ 2.00
$ 16.25
14 forms completed
$ 3.50
Saharin? W.
snow cleaning
$ 1.87
Saharin? W.
for stone
$ 50.00
Knoffke, F.
100 Main St.
one day work
$ 1.25
Dupont, J.
one day work
$ 1.88
Mentzel, Henry
35 2nd
39 hrs@12.5 cents/hour
$ 4.87
Maher, Patrick
33 5th
one day work
$ 1.25
Lacelle, E.
74 Main St.
one day work
$ 1.25
Clarke, Charles D.
s s Canal Rd.
$ 1.50
Mayville, Louis
half day
$ 0.63
Mayville, Alfred
48 Main St.
one day work
$ 1.25
Lacelle, Louis
74 Main St.
one day work
$ 1.25
Fisher, Dougal
e s McGillvray
one and a half days work
$ 1.88
stamps and rubber bands
$ 0.27
Rhomhild, Charles
138 Bronson St.
sanitary inspector for year
$ 5.00
Rhomhild, Charles
constable for year
$ 5.00
Hope, James & Co.
$ 1.00
Rhomhild, Charles
138 Bronson St.
putting up posters
$ 1.00
stamps and stationery
$ 1.82
Municipal World
for dog taxes
$ 3.80
Sabourin?, L.
24 tons of stone
$ 46.00
Ottawa Electric Co.
town hall account
$ 1.26
Lamka, Gustave
24 3rd
one and a half days work
$ 1.88
Bower, J.C.
Canal Rd.
tax collection for 1896
$ 40.00
2 days work
$ 1.50
Fisher, Dougal
2.5 days work w/horse @1.5/day
$ 3.75
salary for 3 months
$ 16.25
Ott. East Lumber Co.
$ 19.03
Fisher, Dougal
repairing streets
$ 2.35
Ottawa Free Press
assessment sheets printing
$ 0.65
Municipal World
collectors rolls
$ 1.30
Biggars & Barrett
work on Cedar St.
$ 35.00
Rhomhild, Charles
services to date
$ 2.00
Ott. East Lumber Co.
$ 2.80
Shepherd & Co.
$ 0.50
registering 39 BMD's
$ 7.80
Birkett?, F.
$ 1.08
professional services
$ 9.00
Rhomhild, Charles
remove one dead dog
$ 1.00
Joyce, P.W.
remove dead dog, 2 dead cows
$ 5.00
Ottawa Electric Co.
town hall account
$ 1.05
Can.Atlantic Railway
25 old car ---- @ 50 cents each
$ 12.50
Ott. East Lumber Co.
3080 ft of 2x11@$12/1000
$ 36.96
Ott. East Lumber Co.
104 ft of 2" plank@12/1000
$ 1.25
Taylor, Robert
5 2nd
6 days work - Cedar St.
$ 9.00
Ott. East Lumber Co.
Cedar St. drain
$ 8.13
Ogilvie, John
5 4th
6 days work - Cedar St.
$ 9.00
Ogilvie, John
East Ave.
$ 0.60
O'Connor, D.
Cedar St. drain - tile pipe
$ 57.64
Fisher, Dougal
$ 1.60
Reynolds, E.J.
350 collection slips
$ 2.00
Reynolds, E.J.
voters list
$ 10.00
$ 16.25
Stamps and stationery
$ 1.38
$ 0.56
Hartz, J.
$ 1.12
Ott. East Lumber Co.
$ 6.60
Keely & -orhtwood?
$ 2.25
Joly, Wilfred L. J.
$ 2.88
Rhomhild, Charles
one dead dog removed
$ 0.50
Robinson, Robert
selection of jury
$ 2.00
selection of jury
$ 4.00
Boucher, J. T.
$ 3.36
Gillis, Bernard
n s Herridge St.
11 days road work@1.25/day
$ 13.75
Smith, A.
6.5 days road work@1.75/day
$ 11.38
Redmond, Michael
49 2nd
4.5 days road work@1.25/day
$ 5.63
Blackburn, Peter
$ 69.50
Mayville, Alfred
48 Main St.
19.5 days road work@1.25/day
$ 24.38
Landry?, Louis
1.5 days roads @1.25/day
$ 1.88
Pranske, Henry
36 Centre St.
4.5 days road work@1.25/day
$ 8.50
Mayville, Alfred
4.5 days road work@1.25/day
$ 5.63
Mayville, Alfred
half day cleaning drain
$ 0.63
Lacelle, Edmond
74 Main St.
one day work on Main St.
$ 1.25
as Sect. of Board of Health
$ 5.00
Birkett?, T.
$ 5.61
Ott. East Lumber Co.
William St. drain
$ 5.84
Champagne, Pierre
174 East Ave.
laying 70 lengths of sidewalk
$ 17.80
Champagne, Pierre
1.5 days work @ 1.25/day
$ 1.88
Mayville, Alfred
1 day work on roads@1.25/day
$ 1.25
Ogilvie, John
$ 1.30
McKinley & Borthwood
$ 67.13
Rhomhild, Charles
Board of Health work
$ 3.00
Rainboth, E. J.
survey Cedar St.
$ 15.00
Redmond, Michael
5 days work on roads
$ 6.25
Ott. East Lumber Co.
$ 94.44
Mayville, Alfred
drain work
$ 30.00
Mayville, Alfred
1.5 days on Main St. drain
$ 1.88
Redmond, Michael
5 days work on roads
$ 6.25
Pranske, Henry
w s Centre St.
5 days with horse@2.00/day
$ 10.00
Mayville, Alfred
$ 0.68
Smith, D.
one day with horse
$ 1.75
Bower, J.C.
collecting of 1898 taxes
$ 40.00
treasurer 8 months salary
$ 16.25