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Chapter Five: Council Minutes - 1901
Village Politicians:
The election for 1901 was held on December 31 of 1900. Voters selected one Reeve, four councilors and two School Trustees. As with the previous year the nominators and seconders have been included as this information offers an overview of how the village was divided in terms of local politics. Ira Bower once again ran for Reeve after having been defeated by the popular Roche in 1899. Charles Winges from the last council was defeated.
The results, recorded by Walter N. Barry, the Village Clerk, who was not listed as a resident in the directory for 1900, were as follows:
Note: "*" = elected, "R" = Resigned the nomination, "+" = See elsewhere in table, "Acc" = Acclaimed
Candidate/Address/Profession Nominator/Address/Profession Seconder/Address/Profession Vote
James Ballantyne
w s Macadamized Rd.
coal merchant
Robert B. Taylor
5 Second St.
John Bremner
10 Fourth St.
Stone cutter
Ira Bower
208 East Ave.
James Ballantyne
w s Macadamized Rd.
coal merchant
Charles Rhomheld
138 Bronson St.
Henry G. Roche
39 Centre St.
Gas Inspector
Samuel Pearpoint
52 Second St.
Gas fitter
Michael Redmond
49 Second St.


John Bremner
10 Fourth St.
Stone cutter
W.F. Bompas
76 East Ave.
G.T. Barrett
26 Main St
Stewarton Lumber Co.
General store
James T. Harvey
166 East Ave.
William H. Wright
103 Drummond St.
Charles Noffke
62 Main St.
wks CAR
Walter Bompas
76 East Ave.
G. T. Barrett + W. H. Wright + 54
Charles Winges
141 Main St.
Niles G. Ross
58 Main St.
Fred Winges
129 Main St
Wilfred Joly
97 Main St.
M. Redmond + N. G. Ross + 88*
James Ballantyne
w s Macadamized Rd.
coal merchant
G. T. Barrett + William C. Ogilvy
17 Second St.
Carpenter CAR
Ronald M. Saunders
15 William St.
G.. T. Barrett + James Ballantyne + 76
Ernest Barrett
26 Main St.
Stewarton Lumber. Co.
James Ballantyne + R. B. Taylor + R
William C. Ogilvy
17 Second St.
Carpenter CAR
R. B. Taylor + J. Bremner + 82*
Robert J. Biggar
S Fourth
S. Pearpoint + W. Joly + 78*
Arthur Greenfield2 Parry St.Clerk S. Pearpoint + W. Joly + R
School Trustees:      
Charles R. Robertson
7 7th Ave.
Civil servant
G. T. Barrett + C. Rhomheld + Acc.
S. Pearpoint + J. C. Bower
208 East Ave.
Fruit grower
G. T. Barrett + Acc.
Joseph Leslie
35 Centre St.
Road Master OPS RR
H. G. Roche + S. Pearpoint + Acc.


Overview of the Year:

While the activities for this year were very similar with the last, there was a marked increase in expenditures for the administration, local improvements and health problems. A. Greenfield and Arthur St. Laurent were appointed auditors for the year at $6 each. W. A. Cole returned to be both the assessor (@ $50/yr) and collector of taxes. Thomas Redmond was appointed the Board of Health for 3 years.

The Clerk’s salary was raised to $85. During the year he received $5.80 for registering 16 births, 1 marriage and 12 deaths. He also was paid $3 for lighting 12 fires in the town hall between Dec. 18 and April 11.

Labour rates were increased from 12.5 cents an hour to 15. Wages were now paid over longer periods of time and more use was made of men with horses to work on roads. One account for a Mr. Mainville listed cost for labour "with a boy and a horse". The Village now employed some men as foremen (@17 cents/hr.) relieving the councilors from supervising projects.

Constable Sabourin resigned and was replaced by John Tatman who was employed in the works of the CAR and living at 25 Cedar St.. A special constable named J. O’Connell was employed and paid $25.18 and $65.40 respectively to act as "special police". This may have been associated with the Board of Health in respect to containment of a health problem but it is unclear.

On the local improvement side drains and sidewalks again took prominence. A. G. Greenfield complained of water in the lots on Parry St. (now Old Greenfield St.); John Roberts requested a sidewalk on Sixth St. (a two-plank walk was laid); Councilors Biggar and Joly investigated the need for drains on the west side of Main St. beginning at the College (Scholasticate?); residents on Fifth St. requested a sidewalk immediately; and repairs on East Ave. in front of Mr. Michael Faulkner’s (a fruit dealer) house at #153 were approved.

The clerk was ordered to notify those damaging the sidewalk on East Ave. at the tracks to stop immediately. The Deputy Minister for Railways and Canals was notified that his policy of drains emptying into the canal from Ottawa East was putting the Village in a difficult position. G. Stevens (possibly of 32 Fourth St.) was paid $13.50 for cutting the grass and weeks in the village – a first!

A crossing and platform in front of the Separate School (Main at Herridge) was to be built immediately. The constable was reminded about his duties regarding cattle at large. And, of course, another letter was sent to the General Manager of the CAR to change the fence on Cedar St. – an ongoing battle.

With an increase in expenditures Council decided to increase rates where possible. The town hall now rented at $5 for dances and public meetings while other uses were levied a rent from $1.50 to $3.00 per night. By August the constable had collected $70 in dog taxes.

For the first time the Separate School was noted in the assessment. Rates for the Village included:

County .0022
Village .0071
Public School .0050
Separate School .0090
Debenture Bylaw #42 .0008
Bylaws 13 and 50 .0009

Regarding council motions, a big-ticket item was the request by ratepayers for twice-a-day mail delivery. A deputation of the Reeve and Council met with the Post Master General and were assured that "in all probability" the request would be granted. The twice-daily delivery is somewhat confusing in that the Village had a post office at 8 Main St. operated by Bridget Slattery, widow of William, who was both the Postmistress and operator of a general store at the same location. Were villagers becoming decadent?

Some interesting accounts included: Charles Rhomheld, the ex-constable, paid for breaking 25 tons of stone at $2.45/ton by hand; G. Baily, 25 cents for two keys to the town hall; Graham and Elliott, $25.31 for carbolic acid; and G. Barrett, 95 cents for a basin bowl.

A major concern for the year was the threat of epidemic. As described elsewhere in this history, suburban areas such as Ottawa East Village were often very susceptible to the scourges of epidemics such as typhoid and smallpox. The poor water quality of wells and river water as a result of poor sewage disposal and outhouses were often the cause. Bernard Slattery, one of the wealthiest men in the region lost several of his twelve children to the disease.

A special meeting of Council took place on Oct. 14 to discuss the spread of small pox. During that meeting a letter from Dr. Birkett was reviewed as to whether or not the village should support compulsory inoculation of the residents. Another special meeting of Council was held on Dec. 3rd to review accounts of the Board of Health. Fortunately the entire account was recorded in the minutes.

Board of Health Account:





H. St. Jean

butcher, Fifth St

for meat


Mrs. Slattery

grocer, 8 Main St

for groceries


M. Ma---?


burial of dog


J.J. Allen


vaccine and drugs


D. Leggat


consulting of Beaudin? Family


Clerk’s Salary


Sect. of Board of Health


Leon Cyr

grocer, 132 Bronson St

for groceries


Henry Griffin?




Bryson Graham?


for groceries


Dr. Bradley


professional services


Mrs. McVeigh




Dr. Birkett


professional services


Ott. Free Press




John Tatman




Analysis of this account shows that the Village was responsible for the care and feeding a family sick with an infectious disease. The sulphur was probably used by the constable to disinfect the residence under the direction of a doctor. The printing was for leaflets distributed to the village residents warning of a contagious disease.

The year ended with the election of a new council.


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Interior of 54 Main St. - c1895
Canal near Bank St. with Canal Road to the right - 1891
Wallace House - possibly the back of Fifth St. early 1890's
Lumber barge on canal 1892
A village maple tree probably on Harvey with tracks to the right c1892
Main looking north from Town Hall
Congregational Church - Fourth St. - 1897
Backyrd of 54 Main looking towards Barretts store on Main 1900
Mrs. Harvey's damn cows again on canal getting a drink
Unloading coal on canal
Donohoe boy with dog and cart at rail crossing with Cedar St. in the rear
Election Day Jan1 1901 or 1908 - discrepancy here
The old wood sawyer - a breathing spell 1901
Samuel Greenfield at Kent Cottage on Second St. 1901
Samuel Greenfield at Kent Cottage at 59 Second Ave 1901
Tasse Hotel east of river at Hurdman Bridge
Looking out front gate of 54 Main 1901
Barretts little girl in front of store 1901
Front gate of 54 Main to rail crossing 1901
Loading coal near swing bridge in 1901
Bellar Millar and cows - nodate
Dining room of 54 Main
Alice Steel in kitchen of 54 Main St.
Original entrance to Scholasticate - Cathdrel of Elms 1901
Lees FAmily and James Ballantyne playing whist - no date but prior to 1893
Lees Farm, girl sitting on rail fence with a hat-full of berries beside the Rideau River - c1985
Jessie Dickson or Mrs. Robert Lees - c.1850
Return to Chapter Five 1900
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