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Chapter Five: Council
Minutes - 1902
Village Politicians for 1902: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Overview of the Year: This was the year that the Village of Ottawa East began to change from a sleepy little suburb with few services into a forward-looking corporation sensitive to the demands of a modern community. Ratepayers continued to demand drains and sidewalks but they also wanted the snow removed in the winter and electric light at night. As the population had now grown significantly, an additional school was needed. Council, with 3 new members, was now being forced to deal with new regulations for such things as the sale of liquor in the village. Concerns about health and fire protection spurred the council to open negotiations with the City across the canal. It was a time of change. Appointments included: William Doran to the Board of Health for 3 years; A. Greenfield and Eugene Gingras (civil servant at 5 3rd St.) as auditors @ $6 each; William H. Wright (carpenter at 103 Drummond St.) as assessor for the year at $50; and W. A. Cole returned as tax collector @ $50/year. Peter Becker (a butcher at 30 Centre St.) resigned as pound keeper. The clerk received $7.80 for registering 17 births, 16 deaths and 6 marriages @ 20 cents each. Charles Rhomheld was paid $4 for 14 street signs and 16 house signs. Local services and improvements were at the forefront this year. Council now invested more money in snow cleaning. In February J.C. Ogilvie was $11.13 for clearing snow with the help of his horse (rate of 25 cents/hour for 44.5 hours). Michael Redmond worked 48.5 hours at 15 cents/hour clearing snow for a total of $7.28. A snowplow was purchased from G. Roundean? for $17. The plow was placed in the southern part of the village under the control of Councilor George Patterson and was to be used only for heavy snows. It had to be repaired by Wilfred Joly, a blacksmith at 97 Main St., in March at a cost of 85 cents. The Village still had no fire protection and the clerk was directed to approach the City of Ottawa to investigate the possibility of receiving city water. It was noted that there was some urgency as "the season when connection can be made across the canal is coming to a close". It was February. Residents on Drummond St. petitioned for grading of the street and sidewalks. R. Biggars, who had lost his Council seat by one vote was notified by the clerk that he owed $14.46 for his share of the sidewalk extension at his premises. Council formed a works committee to investigate the future needs for roads, drains and sidewalks. R. B. Taylor was hired as a foreman at 17.5 cents/hour to supervise future work along with an assistant at 15.5 cents/hour. George Stevens Sr. of Jones and Stevens at 32 4th St. was paid $15.45 for mowing the village grass. A delegation of Public School Trustees approached Council in June seeking $8,000 to build an additional school. A public meeting was held in June to discuss the "advisability" of the idea. In July the clerk was advised to notify the School Board that the cost was excessive. But the ratepayers prevailed and in November a bylaw was drafted to authorize a debenture for $8,000 to be paid over 30 years at 4.5%. On December 29 the bylaw was put to the voters and it was defeated. An application was made to County License Commission for a shop license to sell liquor in the village by ----? Leclerc?. The village voted against granting of this license. They also voted to raise the cost of a tavern license in the village to $150. The Board of Health was requested to investigate a complaint of the Ottawa Lumber Co. regarding an "objectionable stench from a slaughterhouse in their locality" (William St.). It appears that there was some difficulty with Medical Health Officer Dr. Baptie? as he was replaced by Dr. Birkett?. The mill rate for the year was set at:
A major event occurred in October when the Reeve was authorized to "procure figures for electric light" for streets. There were several companies in the area that could provide the electricity and the Council selected the company that supplied the town hall. In December an agreement was signed between the Village of Ottawa East and the Ottawa Electric Company located at 35 Sparks St. The agreement came into force on January 12, 1903 with Bylaw #79. The schedule of rates and services no longer exists but from later council minutes it is clear that the electric company supplied the wiring and arc lights for the streets it serviced. The election for the new council of 1903 was held on Dec. 30 at noon with the Village Clerk Walter N. Barry, (a foreman with Harris Campbell and Boyden living at 14 7th St.), presiding. One Reeve and four Councillors were elected. The number of School Trustees is unknown at this time. |
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