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The Sibbitt Brochure
for Brantwood Place
The brochure contained 20 double-sided pages with numerous drawings and pictures. The majority of the text has been reproduced here. The section on the history of Ottawa and most of the graphics have been omitted. Where possible the layout and text including the original spelling has been preserved. |
Brantwood Place Residential Plots - De Luxe - in Ottawa |
A love of the beautiful is the common heritage of the human race. Every
age - every class and every condition of civilization has felt its influence
- has its ideals and its own methods of expressing them. In the primitive human this trait is generally expressed in the adornment of the person. While the cultivated man shows his appreciation of the art instinct by having his surroundings and environments harmonious and pleasing. |
With the latter this attribute culminates in the home. Not only in its
interior fittings - but also in its exterior form-location and surroundings
- it must be harmonious-tasteful-charming. The development of this desire and taste has led to the demand for home
locations planned with an eye to graceful lines and pleasing outlooks
and is the real motive behind the modern "town planning" and
"city beautiful." movements which are being fostered and pushed
by the discriminating and beauty-loving in all civilized countries. An artistic house - with its accompaniment of velvety lawn, hedges, shrubbery,
trees and formal gardens - was so obviously a misfit on the ordinary square
city plan that the new idea in street planning was an obvious necessity
and a welcome relief. |
The New Idea in Town Planning Some cities are planned. Others just grow. Some develop like the block of marble in the hands of a master sculptor into a complete achievement of art and beauty - with ever added charms as the work progresses. Others increase with the dull monotony and commonplace of the brick wall under the hands of the mason mechanic - where every added brick is exactly like the brick that was laid before - and the result is a cheerless mass of red oblongs and grey mortar streaks. Ottawa - up to now - has grown on the brick wall plan. The only exceptions are the work of the Ottawa Improvement Association, who have engrafted on to the brick wall a little rococo and decorative embellish-ment - by turning the waste places and the eyesores into beautiful drives and parkways. The time was ripe for a change - the change has come. |
A Description of Brantwood Place.
Brantwood Place is in Ottawa East-well within the city limits. For a
quarter of a mile on the east it has a beautiful frontage on a broad and
lake-like spread of the Rideau River. This frontage is to be devoted to
a drive and parkway along the lines of the Improvement Commission's development. This entire tract - with its beautiful vista to the east and south has
been laid out with winding roadways and curved crescents into a boulevarded
and parked, highly restricted residence district. Massive ornamental entrance
gates - shade trees - well kept and carefully made roadways-island parks
at street intersections and granolithic walks are all in the plan. The land starts from the high banks of the Rideau River, and runs back
with a gentle slope to the highest point at the western boundary - Main
Street. The property already has many beautiful shade trees scattered over its.
area and the plan includes the transplanting of trees in the boulevards
along both sides of the roads and crescents. Being in the city - it will have all city improvements and conveniences. Water - sewers - telephone and electric lights are all available. It is even now but l2 minutes walk from the end of either the Elgin Street
or the Bank Street car lines to the property - with granolithic walks
all the way up Main Street - its western front. . |
And the proposed car line over the new Bank Street bridge
- up Riverdale Ave. and Main Street - running along the entire western frontage
- will at once make this section the most accessible and desirable home,
spot in all Ottawa.
Good neighbors - congenial surroundings - and permanent residential value are assured by the high restrictions under which the lots are sold. Ottawa - City of Remarkable Growth Ottawa is steadily forging ahead. Its growth and development in the last ten years has been nothing short of phenomenal - when a cold analytical review of the facts and figures is made. Its population in 1901 was about 60,000 - in 1911 is about 90,000 - without mentioning an additional 25,000 in what may be rightly called "Suburban Ottawa." Think of a growth of 50% in the first instance - or about 100% - in the second. Its assessed valuation in 1901 was about $25,000,000 - in 1911 is about
$63,250,000. But this wonderful record is only an indication of what may be expected
in the future. Nothing can stem the tide of Ottawa's growth. For it is
a city of untold advantages. Its cheap and abundant electric power - its
many lines of rail and water highways - its central and convenient location
- its nearness to the sources of raw material-form a powerful attraction
for the location of manufacturing industries in many lines. Its strategic
position as the seat of the Federal Government - making it as it does
the headquarters of all the official departments -adds a permanent and
pros-perous population of those in the civil service which is bound to
increase steadily from year to year with the growth and development of
the great Dominion. The whole nation contributes to the growth and prosperity of its CapitalCity. Its destiny is great. And Ottawa with double its present population is no idle dream in the near future. |
The Values that Grow- And Why Ottawa of to-day is but a promise of the-Ottawa of tomorrow. Land values within the limits of a big city are always the result of supply and demand. As the city grows - the values go up. Every new house built-every im-provement added - helps the whole. Low priced vacant land of to-day becomes the high priced improved property of tomorrow. Automatically - with the spread of the city and increase in population - it doubles and trebles in price - making investments in city lots the safest, sanest and surest of all investments. The development of Brantwood Place is not a discounting of the future. |
It is the outcome of a strong and insistent demand for an improvement
in city home sites. Some Things to Remember. Do not overlook the advantages of property which lies along the line
of growth and proposed lines of transportation. Time and convenience -
not distance - are the determining factors in increase in real estate
values. When transportation lines are built - and intercommunicating facilities added - property now a little out of the beaten path and low in price will at once take on the value of other properties now high in price - but which will be no easier of access under the new conditions. Keep in mind the new high level bridge over Bank Street - and the new
Ottawa East loop of the street car lines-the route of which has already
been approved and accepted. Lots bought now at Brantwood Place - will be worth then double or treble present asking prices. . |
The drowsy investor who is blind to these facts will be rudely awakened
when he realizes the opportunity lost for profitable investment as the
result of the new development. Instances are plenty of these rising realty values and one has only to compare the prices in the early stage of development and present values in the Glebe and Sandy Hill for pertinent examples. Follow the Line of Least Resistance. Look at the location of Brantwood Place. It lies about 11/2 miles from City Hall. If Mutchmor Street were carried across the Rideau Canal - its continuation would be Clegg Street - the northern bound-ary of this development. It is between the Rideau River and the Rideau Canal - directly east of the Exhibition Grounds and within a stone's throw of the New Bank Street Bridge. The present termination of the Elgin Street car line is but one-half of a mile - an easy l2 minutes' walk - over an excellent granolithic sidewalk which extends up Main Street along the entire western front of the property. With the building of the new high level bridge over the Canal at Bank
Street - the street car line will be extended through Riverdale Avenue
and down Main Street forming a loop which will make every part of Brantwood
Place as easily accessible to the business section of Ottawa as the Glebe
is now. |
Then look at any map of Ottawa and try to find if you can-any
section in the city which can possibly offer the advantages in distance
from the city's centre - natural scenic beauty and general desirability
of this charming spot. There is no other - this is the last and best.
The city in its expansion - will follow the direction of the line of
least resistance. Its position with regard to the Ottawa River - which
hems it in on the north and east -makes that natural direction south.
And toward the South it is already up to and reaching beyond the location
of Brantwood Place. A Forecast and an Opinion - of Weight. His Excellency Earl Grey - the retiring Governor-General - said in sub-stance the following to the civic delegation of the citizens of Ottawa who went to Government House on October and, 1911, to present him with an address and to bid him farewell. "I beseech you all most earnestly-I beseech you all to plan not only for the Ottawa of the present but for the federal capital of the future. "Whenever I pass the Parliament Buildings, I take off my hat to the men of 1860, who planned so well in spite of their meagre resources, and my only regret is that they did not acquire the south side of Wellington Street also. I hope that the men of 1950 in the same way will praise the men of 1911 for planning the city's growth. I believe in the future greatness of this federal capital and believe that Ottawa should become the standard, not only for Canada, but for the cities of the English speaking world. |
"Ottawa has a great responsibility imposed upon her to strive for
in the future. The city is destined not only to become a great, beautiful
federal cap-ital of a country of 100 million people, but it will also
become an industrial city of note, with 500,000 horse power within 30
miles of the city, and its transportation facilities which will be unrivalled
when the Georgian Bay canal is completed. The future of Ottawa seems to
be one of certain greatness. The citizens of today must plan to add dignity
to the city of the future which will be the capital of the greatest portion
of the British Empire." This forecast of the future of Ottawa is the candid opinion of a far-sighted and deep thinking man, who in his official position for a period of seven years as the royal representative and chief executive of this growing country has had the opportunity of feeling the pulse of this lusty, throbbing, growing nation and to judge from the inside of the trend of future events. His judgment has weight. His confidence is encouraging. His prediction is an inspiration. Ottawa is bound to develop. It should develop along right lines. And
those lines should hew close to the mark of progress, improvement and
civic and public benefit. |
FIRST. - No house or building shall be erected costing less than $2,500.00 for a single or $5,000 for a double house. SECOND. - No lot or building erected thereon shall be used for any manufacturing
or business purpose whatsoever. THIRD. - No building shall be erected having less than two and one half stories above the street grade. FOURTH. - No building shall be erected unless the first story shall be of stone, brick, brick veneer, terra-cotta or concrete construction. FIFTH. - No building of any character having what is known as a "flat roof" shall be erected with the exception of an ornamental garage. SIXTH. - No building shall be erected nearer than fifteen feet to the front or side street line of any lot. Porches - piazzas and porte-cocheres are excepted from this restriction. SEVENTH. - No stable or other outbuilding shall be erected nearer than sixty feet to the front line of any lot. EIGHTH. - No fence, except hedge or shrubbery, will be permitted within fifteen feet of the front line or the side street line of any lot. NINTH. - No rows, tenements or apartment houses shall be erected on any
lot or lots. . TENTH. - No double-house shall be built on less than two lots and whether
double or single there shall not be more than one dwelling for anyone
lot. |
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