Project Information
After 1907
1901 Snapshot
Air Photo Study
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Every annual report was signed by at least the Trustees of the School Board. The names indicate the various political powers in the village.

John Hughes and Thomas Angel signed the 1889 audit. Hughes was a 45-year-old clerk with the civil service; born in Gibraltar of Irish descent; living on Centre St. (Concord); and a staunch Roman Catholic. He later emerges as the leader and first trustee of the newly formed Ottawa East Separate School Board. As there were no real Catholic schools at the time, students of this religion attended the public system. As their numbers grew, Hughes petitioned for their own school.

Thomas Angel was a 50-year-old postal worker living on Fifth St. (Harvey); born in England of an Italian father and an Anglican. Together these men had 3 school-age children.

The 1890 account lists signatures of Trustees, the Principal and George Tomlinson. The latter, a carpenter living on the Macadamized Road had won the contract to build the new brick school. He moved into the community during that year. Alex Graham, the 24-year-old son of the wealthy John Graham was a Trustee and owner of the Graham Brickworks. Interestingly he did not get the brick contract for the school. All the children of the Lees, Ballantyne and Graham families were either home schooled or sent to private teaching.

Niles G. Ross the 41-year-old "Principal" of the school also signed. Why he had this authority is unknown but a few years later he led a revolt against the village Triad of Lees, Ballantyne and Graham was immediately fired. He had crossed Robert Lees the village patriarch and was sent packing along with his wife.
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